Lora Anderson was born in 1884, and graduated from Rochester High School in 1903. After attending college, she returned to teach at Rochester High School. Lora continued teaching in Rochester until 1950. During her decades of teaching, Lora bestowed a legacy of care and knowledge to her students.

In 1975, Lora passed away at age 90. She bequeathed her entire estate of $185,000 to Rochester Area Foundation because “she was very loyal to the city and wanted to do something for the community that would last.”

Lora’s gift demonstrates with dedication and planning, anyone can leave a lasting legacy.

Learn more about making a bequest or planned gift to Rochester Area Foundation

Lora’s endowment gift has indeed lasted far beyond her lifetime. In the 44 years since that gift was made, it has provided over 1 million dollars in funding to Rochester Area Foundation and our Better Communities Grants.

Lora knew she could not predict the future needs of her beloved community. Instead, by investing in Rochester Area Foundation, she knew her final gift would be flexible enough to help meet those future needs. The power of Lora’s legacy is not in the dollar amount, but in the beauty of her intention.

Our Better Communities Grants, funded by generous donors like Lora, provide funding for both innovative and proven programs addressing the most pressing current needs of our community.

Lora Hoffman’s gift impacts this community with every grant Rochester Area Foundation gives, and it will continue to do so forever. This is Lora’s legacy. None of us knows what the future will look like, but we can continue to build the resources that support our community and ensure that we are able to meet whatever future needs arise.

Learn more about making a bequest or planned gift to Rochester Area Foundation

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