Better Communities Grants
Rochester Area Foundation (RAF) recently concluded a deep-dive evaluation of RAF’s Better Communities Grants. We leveraged best practice research, data analysis, stakeholder involvement, and extensive interviews with nonprofit partners to ultimately propose a reimagined grant process aimed at creating alignment between community needs and RAF assets.
We are pleased to share our new vision for RAF’s Better Communities Grants, beginning in 2024. We will continue to encourage feedback as we work within this new structure and expect to make iterative changes as we learn more and grow together in the future.
Better Communities Grants are Rochester Area Foundation’s competitive grant awards, providing unrestricted funding for the core mission of critical community organizations. The purpose of these grants is twofold. First, we seek to empower nonprofits to expand, improve or pursue their best ideas, and second, to build the capacity and infrastructure of organizations that are poised for growth. RAF recognizes that support for general operations is some of the hardest funding to secure. Yet the uninterrupted running of core organizational activities is essential to the success of thriving communities.
Eligibility Requirements
Before starting an application, review our eligibility requirements
2025 Timeline
See the timeline and deadlines for our grant cycles
Grant Portal
Apply to new grants or manage any of your current grant programs.

RAF Grantmaking Values
Clearly articulated values will guide our work with nonprofit partners, stakeholders, donors, volunteers, and community members. They will also hold RAF accountable to the communities we seek to serve.
Steward Responsively
Manage all entrusted resources—people, funds, reputation, time—with care to balance stewardship with an agile approach to risk.
Partner in a Spirit of Service
Be a supporter and collaborative partner, prioritizing trust, respect, and humility over compliance and regulations. Recognize and seek to minimize power differentials between grant-maker and grant-seeker.
Seek Equity
Build grantmaking practices and policies that minimize bias and support decisions that promote justice, inclusion, and equity. We seek to partner with all nonprofits, including those who historically have not had access to funding opportunities.
Embrace Learning
We can only advance impact if we remain open to learning as we go and embrace opportunities for growth and evolution along the way. We are accountable to the communities we serve.
Center Relationships
Prioritizing healthy, open, honest relationships can help us navigate the complexity of our work and our world with greater confidence and effectiveness. Transparent and open communication helps minimize power imbalances and maximize shared learning. We move the work forward when we seek solutions together.

Better Communities Grants Priorities
Rochester Area Foundation will offer competitive grant funding in four focus areas annually:
- Youth and Education – Spring
- Vibrant Communities (culture, arts, environment, recreation) – Spring
- Historically Marginalized Communities (e.g., disability services, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+) – Fall
- Basic Needs and Economic Mobility – Fall
More information regarding general eligibility requirements can be found here.
Each grantmaking focus area will also award at least one Emerging Nonprofit Grant Award annually to an organization that meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Has one or fewer paid staff
- Has been in existence fewer than five years
- Has an annual operating budget of less than $250,000
Eligible nonprofit organizations may apply to one focus-area of their choosing annually.
General operating proposals will be encouraged and prioritized for funding.

- Grants will be for one year and have a minimum award of $10,000 and a maximum of $20,000.
- Based on a brief letter of intent, organizations will be invited to complete a written application.
- Characteristics of successful applications include: a clear vision of the organization’s role in making a difference in the community, a demonstration of effectiveness through the investment of time and personnel in measuring and planning for success, a plan for addressing the organization’s financial sustainability in the future.
Community Reviews + Reporting
- A separate volunteer review team comprised of community members will be created for each topic area. Review teams and RAF staff will evaluate proposals and make funding recommendations to be formally approved by the RAF Board of Trustees. Volunteers will be able to participate on one review team per cycle (two review teams annually).
- After reviewing written applications, review teams may request additional information or an in-person meeting if additional clarifying information is sought.
- Instead of a written annual report, semi-annual facilitated conversations for each grantee cohort will be held, focusing on shared learning, organizational shifts, and increased engagement with RAF staff and review panels.
Feedback + Accountability
- RAF’s Grant Distribution Committee will continue to serve as the umbrella committee that formally reviews community review team recommendations, seeks feedback from participants, evaluates the overall program criteria and processes, and proposes future changes to Better Communities Grants to the RAF Board of Trustees.
- A Grant Showcase will be held in both the spring and fall to celebrate grant awards and provide an opportunity for grantees to share more about their organizations and impact with RAF fundholders, community members, and other grantees.