Rochester Area Foundation can help you meet your charitable objectives through a variety of different types of funds.

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weGive365 Grant Awards

Check out previous weGive365 grant awards and the members who support them.

Together, we can do more.     

weGive365 is a dollar-a-day giving circle that lets members pool their money and make a positive impact on our community through grants to nonprofits and community engagement.

Formed in 2013, weGive365 was created by a group of community leaders and Rochester Area Foundation to encourage philanthropy in a new group of donors. In addition to the grant pool, weGive365 is growing its endowment to provide more grants in perpetuity.

Now Accepting weGive365 Grant Applications


2024 weGive365 grant applications are now being accepted! $1,000-$2,000 general operating grants are available for local nonprofits who meet at least one of the following criteria:

If you are chosen to move forward to receive a 2024 weGive365 grant, you will be expected to have a representative, who can speak to your mission and program, at a fall weGive365 event hosted on Tuesday, September 24 from 5 – 7 pm. 

Applications must be submitted here by August 19, 2024 at 11 pm.

Our Mission

weGive365 unites and informs emerging philanthropists to make a collective impact on the Rochester area.

How weGive365 Works

weGive365 members give a minimum of $1 per day equaling $365 annually. By pooling lots of small funds into one large fund, weGive365 members are able to make impactful grants which improve our community today and into the future.

50% of the funds raised are placed in the grants pool and 50% are placed in an endowed fund which will be allowed to grow to support future grants.

What does that look like?

If weGive365 has 50 members, there would be a pool of about $18,250.00- 50% of that total is allocated to grants – that’s $9,125!

How do we decide on grants?

As a weGive365 member, you vote on who gets the grants! Grant requests are submitted annually to the fund. Members have the opportunity to review them and vote on how many should be funded and at what level.

Want to get your company involved in collective giving?

Businesses that want to encourage community involvement and giving among their employees need to look no further than weGive365.

Some companies have actively encouraged employees to join and have either fully or partially matched employee memberships. Others have chosen a particular amount they are willing to donate and matched all new employee memberships up to that amount. Smaller companies have sponsored one or two employees at the $365 level so that employees could participate without paying anything.

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