Board of Trustees
Rochester Area Foundation’s Board of Trustees is made up of area business and civic leaders dedicated to donor and community stewardship, thoughtful professional guidance and permanent, sustainable charitable giving for people who live in the greater Rochester region.

Dave Oeth, Chair
Partner, RSM US LLP (retired)

Judi Wilson, 1st Vice Chair
Attorney, Wagner Oehler, Ltd.

Tony Benson, 2nd Vice Chair
Communication Coordinator, Rochester Public Utilities

Marco Wageman, Treasurer
Finance, Mayo Clinic

Chris Wendland, Secretary
Attorney, Wendland Utz

Mike Benike
President, Benike Construction

Harold Burden
Manager of Demand Planning, Hormel Foods

Todd Heather
Senior Investment Officer, Mayo Clinic

Natalie Jones
Second Vice President, Principal Banker, West Bank

Beth Krehbiel
CEO, Zumbro Valley Health Center

Larry Koshire, Chair
General Manager, Rochester Public Utilities (retired)

Kathryn Lombardo, MD
Retired, Olmsted Medical Center

Mike Paradise
President, Bigelow Homes

Erin Sexton
Director, Enterprise Community Engagement, Mayo Clinic

Jane Campion