Our History
In 2019, Rochester Area Foundation is celebrating 75 years of community impact.
A special committee of the Rochester Community Chest was appointed to investigate the feasibility of a community foundation in the city of Rochester.
Rochester Community Foundation was established. Harry Harwick was elected as the first chairman. That year, Mayo Properties Association (now the Mayo Foundation), transferred an unconditional gift of $3,500 to the newly formed Foundation.
The Foundation made its first grant for $5,000 to assist with the development of a Girl Scout camp.
The Foundation received its first major bequest from Jennie E. Mo of Byron. The Jennie Mo trust of $59,000 was dedicated to assisting people with disabilities. With careful investment through the years, that fund has gifted several times the original investment in total grants to benefit our community.
The Foundation changed its name to the Rochester Foundation. The name changed again in 1978 to Rochester Area Foundation, reflecting a wider service area. In the same year, the Foundation gave its first grant outside of Rochester, $1,000 to the Chatfield Brass Band.
Robert A. Bezoier is named Chairman of the Board of Trustees. This marks a milestone in the 33 years of Bezoier’s service to the Foundation, earning him the nickname “Mr. Foundation.”
Lora Hoffman Anderson, a niece of August W. Kutzky, donated her entire estate to the Foundation. The gift of $185,673 was the largest in the Foundation’s history at the time.
Rochester Mayor Alex Smetka declared the first week in December “Rochester Area Foundation Week”.
Isabel Huizenga is named the Chair of the Board of Trustess, the first woman to hold the position.
RAF founder Harry Harwick passes away. The doors of the Plummer Building are closed to honor his accomplishments for Mayo Clinic and the community.
RAF’s assets reached $1 million. The Board of Trustees decided that the increased level of requests and correspondence required the services of a paid employee.
Alan and Sharon Tuntland established the first donor-advised fund with the Rochester Area Foundation and made the largest gift ever received by the organization.
RAF trustees decided to pursue a challenge grant to help attract new endowment gifts. In October, the Bush Foundation awarded RAF’s first ever endowment challenge grant, increasing its assets to $10.5 million by 1997.
First Homes is established in collaboration with the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce in an effort to alleviate a severe shortage of affordable housing. Mayo Clinic provided a major gift in support of First Homes.
First Steps is created to focus on development into early childhood care and education.
Rochester Community Finance (renamed Impact Finance in 2014) is established as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in order to spur social investment via low interest loans to home buyers and nonprofits.
weGive365 is created as a way to engage the community in philanthropy. For only $1 a day, members have their dollars pooled together and vote annually to determine grant awards.
RAF moved into its permanent home on Broadway and Elton Hills Drive. The new building offers community rental and meeting space and a nonprofit incubator in addition to office space.
The Coalition for Rochester Area Housing is formed in partnership with the City of Rochester, Olmsted County, and Mayo Clinic to create and preserve workforce housing.
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