About Rochester Area Foundation
The Mission of the Rochester Area Foundation is building and enhancing the quality of life in the greater Rochester area through philanthropic leadership and community partnerships.
Thanks to our generous donors, Rochester Area Foundation has become one of the largest sources of philanthropic support in the Rochester area. Since 1944, thousands of generous donors have entrusted us with nearly $46 million in charitable assets to invest wisely.
The Rochester Area Foundation is the hub for givers and doers with big dreams for our area and generous hearts. Please join us in creating better communities for all in the Rochester area. Bring us your hopes for the future and we’ll show you how to make the greatest impact on the causes that matter most to you, today and forever.
We help community members achieve maximum impact with their philanthropy.
Our donors rely on us for strategic advice and for administrative help with their grantmaking. We share in-depth knowledge of community needs to help donors make informed giving decisions. We provide services to amplify the impact of charitable giving through professionally managed donor-advised funds and philanthropic expertise and create charitable legacies that last beyond our donors’ lifetimes through endowed funds and planned gifts.
We are a convener and catalyst for change.
We look boldly into the future to help our donors and partners understand challenges, and bring people together to create effective, collaborative solutions. We maximize impact by pooling financial and other support from many sources for the greatest benefit to Rochester area communities and organizations. In particular, we seek and support
We believe strong nonprofits build strong communities.
By making grants, growing agency endowment funds, and providing education and training, we work to increase the capacity of nonprofits so they can better serve those in need.