Rochester Area Foundation Virtual
Lunch & Learn:

How can we achieve positive outcomes for individuals in our court system?

A panel discussion with Olmsted County Sheriff Kevin Torgerson, Chief Deputy Eric Woodford, Olmsted County Attorney’s Office, and Honorable Judge Jodi Williamson, Third Judicial District.

Take a first step in learning more during this engaging virtual lunch and learn session. Each of our panelists will provide an overview of their areas of purview, from immediate response in the community, prosecution to resolution. Additionally, we will gain a understanding of the current challenges and what initiatives have been instituted to achieve greater positive results for individuals in our judicial system. At the conclusion of this presentation, we hope you will be able to reflect on the justice system in new way.

Please join Rochester Area Foundation and our guest speakers virtually:

Tuesday, June 21  12:15 pm  – 1:15 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 5264 0203
Passcode: 011866

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As always, please share this link with others who you think would be interested in learning more.