Better Communities for All Since 1944
Our Rochester Area Foundation
Rochester Area Foundation is a place where generous people from diverse backgrounds come together to make our communities better places.
As the Rochester area’s philanthropic leader, we award grants each year that are made possible by financial gifts from donors—people who care about the greater Rochester community and want to see it thrive. Our endowment relies on donor gifts and market growth for its success.
We lead by bringing people together to solve complicated community problems, realizing that for some issues there are no immediate solutions or simple answers.
Recent News
March Coffee & Conversation
In 1987, President Reagan recognized March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month to increase “public awareness of the needs and the potential of Americans with developmental disabilities” and to provide the “encouragement and opportunities they need to lead...
January Coffee & Conversation
Join Rochester Area Foundation for the first Coffee & Conversation of the new year! In Olmsted County, hundreds of adults are experiencing homelessness. Each person's story and needs are unique. Currently, multiple organizations and agencies are working together...
Congratulations to our 2024 Fall Better Communities Grantees!
This fall, Rochester Area Foundation awarded $110,000 in the impact areas of Basic Needs and Economic Mobility and Historically Marginalized Communities.
Stay up-to-date with our 2024 September Newsletter
Please click the link below to view our latest newsletter - 2024 September NewsLeaf. 2024 September NewsLeaf
Coffee & Conversation: September Fraud Prevention and Scams
The Federal Trade Commission reports that consumers lost more than $10B to fraud in 2023. We hear and read stories daily about scams and the individuals who have fallen victim. How can you protect yourself and your family? Join us for our September conversation and...
Coffee & Conversation: August is National Make a Will Month
August is National Make-A-Will Month. For many of us, this is a great reminder to sit down and review the plans we have in place or begin to create an estate plan. Estate planning is for adults at any age. Local expert attorney...
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